Pediatric Multidisciplinary Aerodigestive Care: The Role of the Gastroenterologist in the Management of Aerodigestive Symptomatology
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Recognizing the complex and interrelated nature of the respiratory tract and the upper digestive tract, and their shared contribution to the burden of disorders affecting breathing, swallowing, and growth has led to the creation of multidisciplinary pediatric Aerodigestive programs . Most pediatric Aerodigestive programs have evolved to provide care in an integrated practice unit (IPU) model, where patients are diagnosed and managed by a multidisciplinary team co-located in time and space and includes otolaryngologists , gastroenterologists , pulmonologists, and feeding therapists, among other disciplines . The Pediatric Multidisciplinary Aerodigestive Care Webinar is an extension of the recent NASPGHAN symposium on multidisciplinary aerodigestive care. Led by national experts in the field, this webinar will focus on the outcome and economic benefits of an aerodigestive program and the contribution of the pediatric gastroenterologist to this multidisciplinary model in dealing with common aerodigestive symptoms.

Sari Acra, MD, MPH (Moderator)
Professor and Division Chief, Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition Medical Director, Center for Pediatric Aerodigestive Disorders ( CADET )
Vanderbilt University Medical Center

Amornluck (Pang) Krasaelap, MD (Moderator)
Associate Professor of Pediatrics Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
University of Washington School of Medicine Seattle Children's Hospital

Eric Chiou, MD
Baylor College of Medicine Texas Children’s Hospital
Division of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition Department of Pediatrics

Benjamin D. Gold, MD, FAAP, FACG
Director of Quality, Aerodigestive Center and Program, Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta Co-Director Improve Care Now, Gi Care for Kids Site
Children’s Center for Digestive Healthcare, LLC Gi Care for Kids, LLC

Hayat Mousa, MD
Professor in Pediatrics, University of Pennsylvania Suzi and Scott Lustgarten Endowed Chair
Director, Suzi and Scott Lustgarten Center for GI Motility Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
Scott Pentiuk, MD
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center
University of Cincinnati