ON DEMAND Removing Dieting from Diet Therapies in Pediatric GI

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Obesity was declared an epidemic by the CDC in the 1990s, yet significant and sustained weight loss continues to be problematic for Americans as a population. Critical factors are often overlooked when addressing obesity such as racial discrimination, disability status, and environmental factors. In conjunction, “weight stigma”, or bias that devalues people with larger bodies, can cause increased morbidity and mortality, independent of BMI. As a response, a movement is taking place, known by several names including “anti-diet” or “intuitive eating”. This is an inclusive movement that recognizes one’s size as part of his or her identity as much as race, national origin, and sexuality. It considers social, economic, and physical barriers to obesity, rather than assuming lack of willpower or education are the cause. It’s about recognizing “diet culture” and dismantling the anti-fat and pro-thin messages that infiltrate society. This informative and interactive webinar will help healthcare providers recognize weight stigma and promote a positive relationship with food, particularly in patients with GI-related health conditions and those following therapeutic diets.

Supported by an education grant from Abbott


READ CME Requirements and Learning Objectives: Removing Dieting from Diet Therapies in Pediatric GI
Open to download resource.
Open to download resource.
ON DEMAND Removing Dieting from Diet Therapies in Pediatric GI
Recorded 09/28/2022
Recorded 09/28/2022
Post-Test: Removing Dieting from Diet Therapies in Pediatric GI
6 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  4/6 points to pass
6 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  4/6 points to pass
Post-Webinar Evaluation: Removing Dieting from Diet Therapies in Pediatric GI
14 Questions
14 Questions Post-Webinar Evaluation: Removing Dieting from Diet Therapies in Pediatric GI
CME Certificate: Removing Dieting from Diet Therapies in Pediatric GI
1.00 CME credit  |  Certificate available
1.00 CME credit  |  Certificate available
MOC Part II Certificate: Removing Dieting from Diet Therapies in Pediatric GI
1.00 MOC Part II credit  |  Certificate available
1.00 MOC Part II credit  |  Certificate available
Continuing Professional Education Certificate of Attendance: Removing Dieting from Diet Therapies in Pediatric GI
Open to download resource.
Open to download resource. Continuing Professional Education Certificate of Attendance: Removing Dieting from Diet Therapies in Pediatric GI