Bowel Sounds, Episode Eight: Neonatal Cholestasis

Bowel Sounds, Episode Eight: Neonatal Cholestasis

In the next episode of Bowel Sounds, hosts Dr. Jenn Lee and Dr. Peter Lu talk to Dr. Bill Balistreri about neonatal cholestasis. Dr. Balistreri is a pioneer in the study of pediatric liver disease and a former NASPGHAN President. We talk to him about why babies with jaundice past 2 weeks of age need further testing -- and why this is an important topic for not only pediatric gastroenterologists but also for pediatricians and parents. We review causes of cholestasis in infancy, including biliary atresia. We also discuss his career thus far and advice for younger trainees and faculty.


Episode Eight: Neonatal Cholestasis
Recorded 06/24/2020
Recorded 06/24/2020 In the next episode of Bowel Sounds, hosts Dr. Jenn Lee and Dr. Peter Lu talk to Dr. Bill Balistreri about neonatal cholestasis. Dr. Balistreri is a pioneer in the study of pediatric liver disease and a former NASPGHAN President. We talk to him about why babies with jaundice past 2 weeks of age need further testing -- and why this is an important topic for not only pediatric gastroenterologists but also for pediatricians and parents. We review causes of cholestasis in infancy, including biliary atresia. We also discuss his career thus far and advice for younger trainees and faculty.