
  • Contains 4 Component(s), Includes Credits

    Bowel Sounds: David Vitale, MD – EUS and ERCP for Acute Pancreatitis and Pancreatitis Complications

  • Contains 4 Component(s), Includes Credits

    Bowel Sounds: Arun Singh, MD - Clinical Conundrums in Celiac Disease In this episode, hosts Drs. Temara Hajjat and Peter Lu talk to Dr. Arun Singh about some of the challenges we face when caring for children with celiac disease. Dr. Singh is Co-Director and Research Program Director of the Center for Celiac Disease at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and an Assistant Professor in the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. As always, the discussion, views, and recommendations in this podcast are the sole responsibility of the hosts and guests and are subject to change over time with advances in the field.

  • Contains 4 Component(s), Includes Credits

    Bowel Sounds: Michael Narkewicz, MD and Zachary Sellers, MD - Liver Disease in Cystic Fibrosis In this episode, hosts Drs. Jason Silverman and Temara Hajjat talk to Drs. Michael Narkewicz and Zachary Sellers about screening, evaluation and management of children with cystic fibrosis with hepatobiliary involvement and advanced CF liver disease. We review the new consensus recommendations paper published in the May issue of Hepatology (open access link below). As always, the discussion, views, and recommendations in this podcast are the sole responsibility of the hosts and guests and are subject to change over time with advances in the field.

  • Contains 3 Component(s), Includes Credits

    Bowel Sounds: Jason Silverman, MD – Why Pediatric GI Needs Social Media (Special JPGN Episode) In this episode, hosts Drs. Peter Lu and Temara Hajjat talk to Dr. Jason Silverman about how social media can be used in pediatric gastroenterology for patient care, research, medical education, and professional development. Dr. Silverman is an Associate Professor in the Division of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition at Stollery Children's Hospital, where he is also the Program Director for the Pediatric Gastroenterology training program and co-lead for the CHildren's Intestinal Rehabilitation Program (CHIRP). He is also (of course) one of our podcast co-founders and hosts! As always, the discussion, views, and recommendations in this podcast are the sole responsibility of the hosts and guests and are subject to change over time with advances in the field.

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    Bowel Sounds: Mike Wilsey, MD – Esophageal Strictures in Children In this episode, hosts Drs. Peter Lu and Jennifer Lee talk to Dr. Michael Wilsey about the evaluation and management of esophageal strictures in children, including congenital strictures and those arising from eosinophilic esophagitis and caustic ingestions. Dr. Wilsey is an advanced endoscopist at Johns Hopkins All Children's Hospital in St. Petersburg, FL and is a Professor at the University of South Florida. As always, the discussion, views, and recommendations in this podcast are the sole responsibility of the hosts and guests and are subject to change over time with advances in the field.

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    Bowel Sounds: Matthew Giefer, MD and Brad Pasternak, MD – Tackling Prior Authorizations and Medication Approval In this episode, Temara Hajjat and Jenn Lee interview Dr. Matthew Giefer and Dr. Brad Pasternak. Drs. Giefer and Pasternak share their experience advocating for the approval of medications for their patients. The discussion also covers the challenges involved in medication approval, how to approach your local and state representatives, and lobbying in Washington, D.C. Dr. Giefer is a pediatric gastroenterologist at Ochsner Children’s in New Orleans, Louisiana, specializing in advanced endoscopy and pancreatology, and Dr. Pasternak is a pediatric gastroenterologist and the Medical Director of the IBD program at Phoenix Children's in Phoenix, Arizona. As always, the discussion, views, and recommendations in this podcast are the sole responsibility of the hosts and guests and are subject to change over time with advances in the field.

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    Bowel Sounds: Ruben Quiros-Tejeira, MD – Multivisceral Transplantation In this episode, hosts Drs. Temara Hajjat and Jason Silverman talk to Dr. Ruben Quiros-Tejeira about multivisceral transplantation in children, covering indications, complications and the importance of multidisciplinary team care in this population. Dr. Quiros-Tejeira is Chief of the Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition, a Professor of Pediatrics and Surgery and Medical Director for Pediatric Liver and Intestinal Transplantation at University of Nebraska Medical College. As always, the discussion, views, and recommendations in this podcast are the sole responsibility of the hosts and guests and are subject to change over time with advances in the field.

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    Bowel Sounds: Praveen Goday, MD – The Picky Eater In this episode, hosts Drs. Peter Lu and Jennifer Lee talk to Dr. Praveen Goday about evaluating and treating the child who is a picky eater or who has developed a pediatric feeding disorder. Dr. Goday is Professor of Pediatrics at The Ohio State University College of Medicine and Director of the Nutrition and Feeding Programs at Nationwide Children's Hospital. As always, the discussion, views, and recommendations in this podcast are the sole responsibility of the hosts and guests and are subject to change over time with advances in the field.

  • Contains 4 Component(s), Includes Credits

    Bowel Sounds: Neha Santucci, MD – Functional Abdominal Pain in "Organic" GI Diseases In the this episode, hosts Drs. Temara Hajjat and Peter Lu talk to Dr. Neha Santucci, an Associate Professor of Pediatrics and the Director of the Disorders of Gut-Brain Interaction Program at Cincinnati Children's. They discuss how to identify and manage functional abdominal pain in children with pre-existing organic GI disorders. As always, the discussion, views, and recommendations in this podcast are the sole responsibility of the hosts and guests and are subject to change over time with advances in the field.

  • Contains 4 Component(s), Includes Credits

    Bowel Sounds: Lisa McMahon, MD and Michael Rosen, MD – Surgery in Ulcerative Colitis In the this episode, hosts Drs. Temara Hajjat and Jenn Lee talk to Dr. Lisa McMahon, Chair of Surgery at Phoenix Children's, and Dr. Michael Rosen, Director of the Stanford Medicine Children's Health Center for IBD and Celiac Disease. They discuss managing and counseling a pediatric patient with ulcerative colitis and their family who may need colectomy and a J-pouch creation As always, the discussion, views, and recommendations in this podcast are the sole responsibility of the hosts and guests and are subject to change over time with advances in the field.